Friday, May 14, 2010


 So You Want to Be A Playa?
At Deliverance Poker we are the only online poker site that strives to make sure you don’t “Get Screwed on the River!”
This video is can be very helpful! So pay attention: Deliverance Poker is going to give you some advice "FREE ADVICE!" on playing poker..
Oh yea, Learn the Lingo: Brush up...
Dead Man's Hand:
Most famous poker hand, aces and eights. Wild Bill Hickok’s hand when he was shot and killed.
Double up:
To increase your chip stack by 100 percent.
Down cards:
A player's hole cards that only he can see.
A player draws to complete his hand or a game played where all the cards are in ones hand and you draw to improve.
Drawing dead:
When you draw to a hand you can’t possibly beat.

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